Category Archives: abstract post :D

finding sari :)


Finding Sari

Well, last two week we have learned about character building with pak Rey as our principal that dedicated half of his time for teaching this topic to 12 graders. In our class we talked about characters, and we discussed about whether the characters can be taught or not. We’ve learn about the definition of characters and how we create good characters inside of ourselves. Characters is pattern of behavior that very important in our life, we can choose whether we want to be a person with good characters or bad characters. Although that’s influence by external part in our life who are our family, friends, and all the people around us but we are still the one who have big authority to create our own characters.

When we talked about characters, it reminded me to my father. He said “characters is very important in your life girl. Because it defines who you are, where you come from, and where you’ll be till the end of your life. So create your best characters from now.” At that time I didn’t even care, because what I knew was as long as I do right everything’s gonna fine, but then now I realize it, sometimes the right things that majority said is not the true one, but what is false that done by the minority is the right one.

Then we talked about bliss, bliss is the things that you enjoy to do it even it has been repeated more than two times and although you’re very tired you still do it, because you love it so much. Characters is one of important part that has strong correlated with our bliss, because I believe if we have good characters and of course the bliss that comes up in our life is the positive one, but it’ll be very different if we have negative characters, what we’ll get is only the negative side. For example, a student that has diligent inside their self will has a high interest to read the book as their bliss which can connect them easier to the world. But then, the student who has lazy characters will always play games or doing  chitchat about unimportant topic with her/his friends, and the bliss that will comes up is one of negative side which is lose their teenager time for breaking their own future. That is why we should build our characters start from now, because our character will show us our journey to the last destination of our life. Change our bad characters that we have one by one and at the end you’ll realize how important to create a positive characters in our life. And I ever read the quote that stated like this “ the only person you should to better than, is the person you were yesterday, so we can believe that if we try to do something habitually, it’ll be easier for you to make it become your characters.

Inside of characters there is on of the most important character that everyone around me believe on, which is grit. Why? Because grit is the character which show that you can still wake up when you fall and you want to work harder to fight for all of your dream. And many people believe if you have that character of course you will always think positively because you know a failure is only temporarily to happen and we can change it by our consistence mindset. The teenagers that have grit inside of their self, will have big possibility to catch and create their dream to be brighter than before.

Me, my self I really want to have grit character inside of me to make strong to face all the difficulties and never give up on every failure that I meet in the middle of my journey. And I have thought the way to exercise my self to have grit is first be a consistence student who will always put our best efforts for every single activity that we do. Then, always think positively and never give up. Next, believe on I’m possible word not impossible. And smile and thankful to the God for every things that he gave to us.

Then, let’s talk about my dream. I really want to be a great accountant in the future and also being one of important person in economic side of Indonesia like ibu Sri Mulyani. She is very great woman that can work in world bank, I hope someday I can work in world bank too.

Yap, I need to work hard and pray to Allah for my best, and I’ll catch all of my dreams!

Welcome everybody :)


Hi buddies 🙂

Welcome to my blog everybody. This is only a simple blog where you can find something that you’ll never find in others 😀

This is my second world where i post everything such like short story, article, and manythings..

This is my second place where i can express everything in my mind and i can free to be a ‘narsis’ person anyway 😀

I wish you can enjoy everything that you find here and of course I hope that’s helpful for you. Thanks for visit and let’s enjoy it!!